Illustration of a downward curve line connecting two brown abstract home shapes on a white background.
A person wearing a stylish red and black outfit sits at a table in a café, talking on a cell phone and looking away from the camera.



Explore our courses for electrical excellence

For a complete e-catalog of classes offered at the Training Centers, please click on the icon bellow


Registration for Journeyman Continuing Electrical Training (CET) classes is available online. Please follow the directions below to create an account in our database, and access the registration portal.

Our system uses your EMAIL to log in. You must use an active email account you can access to navigate our classes and register. If you have an email already on file with us, you need to click reset password the FIRST TIME you log into the new system. If your email is not correct in our file, you need to email and let us know. Be sure to include your full name, and we will update to the email you use to contact us. 

If you do not have an email on file with us, you need to click on “Create Account” under the login fields and follow the instructions. A confirmation message will be sent to the email you are using to register.  Enter your personal information, and your account will be confirmed generally within 72 business hours. 

Once your account is opened, you will have access to the “Class Schedule” tab on your account (across the top banner), where the full schedule of all available classes is listed on the right column. You will be able to register and pay any applicable tuition due for the class.

Please email with any questions.

See a full schedule of classes bellow

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